Monday, January 21, 2013

These Days

I've been under the weather for every single day of this new year. It's mostly been a bothersome cold. Right after the new year and right before I started back to school I was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection and told to take over-the-counter meds to manage symptoms until they went away. They didn't. I went back to the doctor today and am now in possession of some pretty powerful cough medicine and a z-pack (antibiotics) with the promise that I should be 100% by the end of the week. We'll see.

In the meantime, we've been alternating days of rest (puzzles and movies and books and putting our jammies on early) with days of being out and about (the zoo and a baby shower and a game night with friends).

I received my "Master Teacher" designation last Thursday. It's a designation from the state that basically required that I a.)already have at least 7 years of teaching and a Master's degree and that I b.)secure recommendation signatures from my building principal and one other person plus write a 12 page paper explaining how I meet all the criteria of being a Master Teacher and include evidence (in all, a 40 page reflective paper on my teaching practice). We went out to celebrate by getting ice cream (pictured above).

2013 is off to a slow start for sure, but we're looking forward to so many things. My sister-in-law will be welcoming a precious baby girl into the world at the beginning of April. My husband's best friend is getting married in Los Angeles in June, and we're looking forward to a few days away. My family reunion (mom's side) is in Myrtle Beach in July, and it will be Bs first time at the beach. The neighborhood pool four blocks away is getting renovated and redone. C will start kindergarten in August (but right now we're busy planning her birthday party at Run, Jump, and Play).

Our next few days are supposed to be cold-- like windchill advisory cold. I imagine we will be spending many more evenings in our jammies early rather than out and about. Stay warm, friends.

~One Ordinary Mom :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hope that the doctor is correct and that you feel better soon. Being sick is not fun!
    It sounds like you have some great vacations planned this year!


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