Sometimes life gets busy. And things go by the this blog. My bad, but I make no apologies. We've been busy.
Busy getting ready for dance recitals.
Busy planting food. One Ordinary Dad built the raised bed. Our backyard isn't flat or sunny, so the ideal place for planting is actually at the top of our driveway. Last year we did small pots and planted fruits and veggies from seed. We had a small yield. Seeds are hard, y'all and I am not a green thumb. This year we decided to start with starter plants. We already have romaine lettuce ready to eat!
Busy tending flowers. C likes to help and watering the plants is now one of her daily responsibilities.
Busy hanging out at the zoo.
Busy pretending to be a turtle.
Busy crafting (One Ordinary Dad made this beauty for my hangs on our bedroom wall now). It's made of wood from a potting shed in our backyard that was falling down and disrepair.
Busy celebrating 31.
Just. Plain. Busy. (Too busy to bother watermarking these, so don't steal them, okay).
Life is like that though. The school year is winding down, vacation plans are firming up (One Ordinary Dad are thinking of escaping for one day while we're in California for a wedding and hanging out with the Mouse at Disneyland), the temperature is staying warmer, our windows are open, lawnmowers are humming, the grill is fired up often, and well, life is happening.
And in the rare moments when we have peace and quiet and stillness, we're reading out on the porch with a glass of wine or watching movies, or relaxing with friends, or cheering on the Reds. Blogging just kind of ends up at the bottom of my list of things I want to do in the still and quiet moments. But it was time for an update to let you know that yes, my few dear readers, we are very much alive and well. Hopefully summer vacation will bring more opportunities to update.
~One Ordinary Mom
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