These days-- it's been either really hot and muggy or stormy. So indoor picnics make dinner more fun when we can't eat outside.
These days-- we've discovered the fun of dancing in fountains with your clothes on. To be fair, when we went to the newly renovated Washington Park on Saturday, we didn't know this fountain existed (or that C and B would love it so much). Next time, we'll bring swimsuits, or at least a change of clothes.
These days-- the Playmobil people have been having a lot of swim parties. Sometimes with real water because we're fun like that. ;-)
These days-- Miss C is doing awesome in her swim lessons. She was TERRIFIED of the water last year and this year, only halfway through the session so far, she will jump in, go under, back float, and generally not freak out. This is progress, my friends. I've also met some awesome moms at the pool during lessons-- some work, some don't, but our daughters are all relatively the same age, so hopefully some play dates are in our future. I really don't know a lot of moms in our neighborhood as most of my mom friends are from church or school, so it's been good to meet some that live so close.
These days-- I've been reading The Art of Fielding by Chad Harbach. It's about a college baseball player (fictional). I love baseball. I'm really loving this book. I played softball in middle school, high school, on an intramural team in college, and on a church team one summer. One Ordinary Dad and I played a lot of catch when we were dating and first married. We busted out our gloves and a ball at the park the other night. B latched onto a baseball and wouldn't put it down. I think tee-ball may be in our future.
These days-- I've been painting my toenails and trying out new colors. I loved Essie's "Bikini So Teeny" so much, that I painted my fingernails too (something I rarely do because they normally chip, but since I first painted them last Friday I've only had to redo two due to chipping).
These days-- I've been trying to establish a home yoga practice. So far, so good. 20 minutes of yoga upon waking up does a body good.
These days-- story time before bed is happening a little later and on the couch. C has been going to Vacation Bible School at the church where she attends preschool. It's quiet with just B at home at home for a couple of hours. B usually is in bed by the time C gets home at 8:30, so instead of reading in bed with her like normal, we read out on the couch (C and B share a room).
These days-- are flying by. Target already has school supplies out. What?
These days-- well tonight, actually, I'm attending a canning how-to class at Whole Foods. I know how to freezer can but am excited to learn how to really can (like with a water bath) so we can save some of our summer farmer's market spoils and our home spoils as well (we've got some green peppers, cucumbers, and tomatoes growin').
What are you up to these days?
~One Ordinary Mom :-)
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